Thursday, March 3, 2011

Night and Day

So students, let's have a little fun. I like the spirit of competition! Let the blog wars begin. Keep this simple -- which photographic post (in response to mine) will solicit the highest star ratings in the next two weeks?

My brother-in-law sent me a link of photographs a few months back. The link shows several images taken at night but the end result of the image looks like daytime. In the last year I have played around with the idea myself. The results are so unreal and unbelievable - truly fantastic.

So again, keeping it really simple. Take photographs at night, but make sure they look like daytime. That's it - go for it. Worth the wait?!5742383/175-photos-of-day-taken-at-night

Technical hint? Use a tripod and f 4.0 to start with at least 5 second long exposure. Depending on the available light it may be longer. The new moon (dark moon) is tomorrow, so as we approach a full moon in the next two weeks the light at night will change significantly.


  1. Kewl!!! It's on! I love the theme! What happened to our picture though....blurry?! B&W?!

  2. Love the idea! I can't wait to explore the night life!
