I really like Surreal Landscape Photography . I think this allows us as artistic individuals to be extreme creators. You know ,during the Gothic period of time in our world, and for a long while after that, people were not allowed to be creative. You were expected to do as you were told by the Hierarchy and the patron that gave you, your chance to paint or sculpt for them. There were NO individuals just people! Because of Individuals like ,Michaelangelo , Raphael, and Leonardo who began to take chances with their Art During the Renaissance,we can today, make a choice with our own intellectual Artistic side and express how we feel through Art. Photography helped to bring this about as well, with the creation of the Helotype, By Niepce 1827 ? , That was destroyed accidentally, and then a Deguerrotype later on. Hopefully this is right , other wise Wendy will kill me..... The point is ,isn't it awesome to be so fortunate during this time period? We should embrace it and go wild. So here is my contribution to going wild. It's as if someone out there is watching us ..........