Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Eerie stuff...

After trying the "daylight at night" approach in a couple of spots, I decided to post this one. It's a smidge blurry (my tripod is not the sturdiest of contraptions:-)), but I like how the water almost looks like glass. The image is posted straight out of the camera and shot at f3.5, 13 seconds with the ISO cranked up to 400. This was a fun assignment with some spooky results...


  1. I LOVE this photo and how everything is lit up with lights (building, boats etc). This is a really cool night shot.
    Where was this taken?

  2. Thanks for the kind words! It was shot in Marina del Rey, at around 10pm. Turning the other way, I got some shots with boats and air-planes passing by, but they were too blurry to show.:-) Sturdier tripod and cable release might do the trick...
