Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The only "landscape" picture I have taken that I like, a lot.

I guess I should make this post a little bit longer. I said before I really feel like this blog can get to be something really big, and from the posts below this one now really prove that.
I have a problem stretching what I am used to, and where my "box" is. When I think landscape I think of your typical shot of a mountain or river, but I'd like to be able to think of other things as "landscape". I guess this shot to me is sort of my interpretation of landscape just a few months ago. I hope to expand from this.


  1. This is beautiful. I love the silhouette with the amazing clouds

  2. It appears you took this in color, but it has a black and white quality that I really like. The stormy clouds fill the sky making it more interesting. Good definition of landscape, too!

    I always think I'm going to stop to get a good picture of MM and I never do. You've inspired me to take some time to do it.

  3. it's great how you included so much detail in the sky. the image is more interesting with the different texture of clouds instead of the commonly seen blue sky, or plain sunset.

  4. Wow. I love the use of silhouette - relying on the flattened shape to tell the story. Very beautiful!

  5. An excellent example of a natural and man made landscape photograph. great job.
