Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Different View

I've always loved nature. It is what ultimately got me into photography. I started to draw what I saw, but I didn't always have enough time. Therefore I started bringing a camera around with me so I could share the sights I believed to be incredible with people who didn't take the time to stop and smell the roses. I guess that is why I generally used to consider landscape photography to be of the natural world. However, I now consider that to be a sub-category of the overall sense of the word. I believe landscape photography to be any photo taken to show an environment. Though I may not be drawn to urban landscape photographs quite as much as I am to natural landscape photographs, I have respect for them, the people who capture them, and their place in our world. Some are really quite beautiful.

The top image was taken on Carpentaria State Beach. I love to play with backlighting, and I'm sure you will see that in later posts. The second image was taken from the shore of the South Fork of the American River. I apologize if the quality isn't very good. I had trouble scanning it. It was taken on a disposable (probably water proof) camera so I only have the one print. I wish I could say that I had total control over the shot and planned it perfectly, but hey, some of the greatest inventions were accidents! This shot was actually taken for a completely different reason (of which I will not share because it kills the magic) and I didn't realize what I had shot until I got the prints back.


  1. The bottom shot is a reflection, right? The texture of the pebbles in the sky/water is Surreal and disorienting. Very interesting.

  2. The first shot is great, the composition and the orange color cast make it look like a different part of the world, not Carpentaria.

  3. Carpinteria!! I love that place. Your first image is beautiful and the second one is unique. I love them both. Since I'm more of a traditionalist I lean more towards the first though - great job!

  4. The second shot is actually shown upsidedown, but i like it so much better this way :). Its trippy :P
