Thursday, February 10, 2011

HDR sunset

I used the program Photomatrix Pro3 to do this photo. Using a tripod I set the camera to Auto-Exposure Bracketing (AEB), select the Continuous Shooting mode, make sure the camera was set to Aperture Priority, and select an exposure increment of +/-2 stops.

First I checked my GPS program to see the sunset compass direction and sunset time. Then I checked Google Earth to find a long stretch to photograph the sunset. I’ve found out in the past that I need to be far away from a mountain to allow the sun to set close to the horizon. Too close to a mountain the sun is blocked before it can set far away and show its colors through the atmosphere. This HDR photo was taken just past Piru on the 126 and then left on Torrey Rd. by the bridge.

1 comment:

  1. I love the fact that you are using technology to research the "best" shot location based on the earth, sun location, sunset times. Very cool.

    HDR images still look odd to me. I am not sure I like the look of them... may be it will just take time for me to get use to the "look".
